Chakra Series


Your Root Chakra is the foundation of your entire system, making it the building block that all the other chakra’s build upon. It is the chakra that allows you to feel a sense stability, safety, organization, and grounding.

In this series, we will be talking about how a strong root chakra manifests for you, what it's like to live a life with an imbalanced root chakra, and how to bring it back into alignment.


How would you describe what is happening below the surface in your life? Do you feel strong, stable, and nourished or do you feel fearful, worried, and anxious? What do you think is driving those feelings within you?


Your Sacral Chakra is all about your connection to yourself. It’s the feminine, the moon, the unseen, the mysterious and because we can’t see it, we tend to think it’s not as important.

It is in this chakra that you really have to experience it, not simply learn about it. It is through what you experience that you will increase the sweetness in your life.

In this activation, we are going to be talking all about experiences, emotions, moods, defense mechanisms, and everything that can help you identify what having a balanced (or imbalanced) Sacral chakra looks and feels like.


What came up for you during this meditation? What gifts were you given? What do you think they represent in your life?


Your Solar Plexus sits right below our chest, between the heart and the belly button. This is commonly called your power center and is represented by the fire of transformation. It is also connected to self-esteem, confidence, igniting your personal power, and your will to do things. Your solar plexus is all about overcoming inertia in your life like overcoming addictive patterns, moving out of your comfort zones, and breaking old patterns.

In this activation, we are going to be reflecting on what is feeding your soul & how to reclaim your personal power.


How quickly do you give up when something doesn’t feel like it’s working? What is your experience with failure? Do you tend to run from it or embrace it?


The Heart Chakra is all about learning to live more from your heart & less from your head. The heart represents cosmic love, compassion, receiving, inner peace, and relationships. If you really break this down, it's simply about loving your self & others without condition.

In this activation we will talk about how you can unlock the Heart Chakra & how it is directly connected to your Sacral Chakra, and how healing the latter can open doors for you to heal your heart.


Unconditional Love - what does this mean to you? What does it truly mean to love yourself and others “without condition?


Your Throat Chakra is all about your ability to speak your truth, communicate with others, & understanding that more often than not “less is more.”

In this activation we are going to talk about the main points when it comes to the fifth chakra - speaking with integrity and the clarity of listening. You will look at how communicating with an imbalanced Throat Chakra feels like, and how communicating with a balanced Throat chakra will feel less superficial, has more depth, and feels more creative and truthful.


What is one area of your life that you know you are holding yourself back?


Your Third Eye is your command center, located right in-between your eyes, in the middle of your forehead & it is one of the most mysterious parts of your body.

Opening your Third Eye requires you to turn inward with attention and focus. The more attention you give your third eye, the more alive it becomes. It is important for us to focus on our Third Eye because this will allow you to become witness of your own life and see things clearly beyond the limits of your own perspective.

Learn all of this & more in this activation!


When you look in the mirror, what do you see? How would you describe yourself? How do you think your best friend would describe you?


Your Crown Chakra represents Divine Energy, pure consciousness, your connection to Divine Intelligence, and it is where all of your manifestations begin. At its essence, this is where you find meaning in your life.

In this activation, we age going to be discussing and describing what it feels like to be living a life where you're struggling with an imbalance in your Crown Chakra. In contrast, we are also going to be looking at what it feels like to live with a balanced Crown Chakra and how magical your life could be if you are willing to live and embody the work.


Write in as much detail as possible what you experienced in this meditation. What did you see? How did it feel? Allow yourself to be fully engulfed in that vision.