Get your Human Design Workbook today!
To be a Generator vibrating at their highest frequency is to live a life driven by the sacral motor, living each day as it comes, following the breadcrumbs of opportunities that are leading you to your destiny. With the Generator Workbook you will learn more about how the Generator is meant to interact with the world, the gifts & challenges that come along with your design, and in depth ways to explore and integrate your Human Design into your life.
Manifesting Generators
To be a Manifesting Generator vibrating at their highest frequency is to live a life of empowerment & passion, living each day as it comes, following the breadcrumbs of opportunities that are leading you to your destiny. With the Manifesting Generator Workbook you will learn more about how the Mani Geni is meant to interact with the world, the gifts & challenges that come along with your design, and in depth ways to explore and integrate your Human Design into your life.
To be a Projector vibrating at their highest frequency is to live a life of observation, magnetism, and invitations to share their profound wisdom with the world. With the Projector Workbook you will learn more about how the Projector is meant to interact with the world, the gifts & challenges that come along with your design, and in depth ways to explore and integrate your Human Design into your life.
To be a Manifestor vibrating at their highest frequency is to live a life of empowered leadership, leaning into their free spirit, & initiating action as they are called. With the Manifestor Workbook you will learn more about how the Manifestor is meant to interact with the world, the gifts & challenges that come along with your design, and in depth ways to explore and integrate your Human Design into your life.
To be a Reflector vibrating at their highest frequency is to live a life of passion, happiness, adaptability, and a soul desire to restore the world back to an essence of wholeness. With the Reflector Workbook you will learn more about how the Reflector is meant to interact with the world, the gifts & challenges that come along with your design, and in depth ways to explore and integrate your Human Design into your life.